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Schenectady Eyecare & Eyewear in regard to Covid 19

To our community,

Schenectady Eyecare and Eyewear has the health and safety of our patients and employees as our highest concern. Due to the Coronavirus we have cancelled all routine vision-care exams for the week of March 23-27th. We will keep you updated when routine vision-care exams will resume by closely monitoring recommendations of the government and public health authorities.

If there is a medical eyecare emergency, please call the office. Dr. Pereira will contact you to determine the best course of action for your specific situation. Medical emergencies consist of flashes, floaters, sudden vision loss, eye pain, redness or foreign body.

Eyewear pickup will be available by appointment only:

The office will contact you if your eyeglasses are available to be picked up. Appointments will be made for Tuesday from 10:00-11:00am and Thursday 3:30-4:30pm only. Call the office when you arrive and we will meet you in the parking lot to limit exposure and to maintain safety during this time.

Dr. Todd Pereira